England's White Dragon

England's true Flag
Monday, 27 June 2011
Cameron hasn't a clue
Saturday, 25 June 2011
U2 Bono Mr Holier
The Euro project?
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Kate and Will’s wedding blessed in the house of God run by Satan.
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
England betrayed by its own”
Monday, 20 June 2011
NATO Alliance excuse
What's it's costing £ English
What's it's costing £ English taxpayers to bomb and kill innocent civilians in Libya?
The British government has deliberately hidden the true
financial cost to English taxpayers in bombing Gaddafi in secrecy and
obfuscation, But British MP’s won’t go short but English taxpayers will, in the
continued cuts in public spending to fund killings and keep British MP’s in a
luxury life style ?
This weekend Sir Michael Black-Feather the English first
minister provided sobering reminders of the human and financial cost of the
three-month bombing campaign against Muammar Gaddafi's regime: in Tripoli
several civilians have been killed by a Nato strike; while in London the
Treasury chief secretary, Danny Alexander, admitted that the bill for England’s
taxpayers contributions will run to "hundreds of millions of pounds"
which could be better spent in not cutting public spending, all the cuts in
public spending are down to the three major conflicts which the British
government is spending billions of pounds a week in funding.
Up until now the British government has always cloaked the
issue of just how much English taxpayers are spending on bombing Libya in the
same sort of secrecy and smokescreen you get when you asked the current
location of Trident submarines?
The US's contribution to the laughably named Operation
Unified Protector is costing: as of 3 June 2011, The US has spent $715.9m on
its military operation and associated humanitarian assistance, $398.3m on bombs
and missiles alone. The Pentagon sent over 120,000 halal meals ready to eat to
Benghazi at a cost of over $1.3m. And by 30 September its Libya bill will have
risen to well over $1.1bn. All this was laid out in a document produced by the
Obama administration for Congress last week.
So one has to ask ones-self what is the equivalent figures
for British involvement and all these costs are all down to the poor English
taxpayers whom none what to be at conflict with anyone but want to rebuild
A Ministry of Defence, spokeswoman told The London Times
that the Treasury was "doing an assessment", but of course no
"actual figures" were available yet. She mentioned a month-old
estimate was within the region of over £100m", but said that since the
deployment of Apache helicopters this figure was probably significantly higher
She said that the Treasury might be able to provide more
details, as apparently the M.O.D are working on a new breakdown but it’s not
ready to be released well know real surprise there then?."
Would the Foreign Office come clean? Of course not:
"The foreign secretary did say he has made clear that he will present
accurate costings to parliament in due course but of “course most if it will be
fictitious lies which all the British government departs are good at
This British government which proclaims its commitment on
the Downing Street website of treachery, too being "the most open and
transparent in the world" which is just another British lie.
The bill for England’s taxpayer’s part in the conflicts, Nick
Harvey, the armed forces minister, said in answer to a parliamentary question
that Britain was targeting Libya with £6m worth of munitions a week. London
Times defence experts say the bill to
English taxpayers will be by this autumn well over £600m reaching agonising-£1bn.
England’s Public spending budgets slashed and ruthless jobs
losses. So here are a few striking ones: taking the most conservative estimate,
the cost to the England’s taxpayer of bombing Gaddafi for six months is over
four times the cut to the arts budget; three times the sum saved by Ken Clark's
controversial sentencing reforms; more than the proposed cuts to the English
legal aid budget; about the same as the savings from ending the education
maintenance allowance (EMA); or over three times the amount saved by scrapping England’s
disability living allowance.
Anyone who has the audacity to ask how much the British
Libya campaign is costing The English taxpayer’s are reassured that it is all
being paid for from Treasury reserves, so we don’t need to worry our pretty
little heads. But all those who have lost their EMA or disability living
allowance could quite justifiably wonder why cash can be found for bombs but
not for keeping the roofs over their heads.
A so called democracy ought to ventilate the choices it is
making to the people footing the bills.
Of course Ed Miliband has been unwilling to rock the boat
over Libya, perhaps because the Labour leader can see no better option. But
it's time his party started asking difficult questions about our third war in a
decade. And if David Cameron is serious about transparency, he needs to show he
can be as open about inconvenient facts as he has been about inconsequential
Sir Michael Black-Feather said; if we spent as much money as
this British government has spent on bombing this past 11 years, England would
be flourishing and debt free and unemployment at a nearly nil.
Sunday, 19 June 2011
residential neighbourhoods in the capital and killing many civilians early
Sunday, a London Times journalists taken to a hospital and shown four bodies
including those of two young children which had been killed by NATO Bombs.
account of what happened.
been rushed by government officials in the early hours of the morning to a neighbourhood
where rescue efforts were under way at a bombed destroyed building, J-G
reporting for the London Times said we had heard the bombs going off.
the damage was caused by NATO rockets and bombs. He wasn't immediately able to
provide the number of casualties, but said there were no military facilities
anywhere near the damaged building.
civilian houses," said deputy foreign minister Khaled Kaim during a visit
to the site shortly after London Times reporters arrived. "This is another
sign of the brutality of the West."
course rejects the allegations and has accused Gadhafi's forces of using
children's parks and mosques as shields which is what all those say! When their
wrong, trying to put the blame on Gadhafi’s forces when it’s very clearly NATO
that has bombed civilians not Gadhafi’s forces!
are conducting operations with utmost care and precision to avoid civilian
casualties. Civilian casualty’s figures mentioned by the Libyan regime are pure
propaganda," NATO spokeswoman said Saturday, but the London Times reporters
have seen the very clear evidence that NATO is and has lying.
shown at least four people said to be killed in the strike, including the two
young children. Foreign journalists in Tripoli are not allowed to travel and
report freely and are always shadowed by government minders.
Sunday morning in the port city of Misrata, 125 miles (200 kilometres) east of
the capital. Muthana Issa, an official at Hikma hospital in Misrata, said there
had been four killed and 16 wounded.
handful of toeholds they hold in western Libya. The eastern third of the
country is under rebel control from their de facto capital, Benghazi. As NATO
warplanes began stepping up attacks on Libyan government forces, bases and
ammunition depots in recent days, the rebels in Misrata used the distraction to
start their push out of the city toward Tripoli.
NATO of a "new level of aggression," and claimed that the military
alliance intentionally targeted civilian which has been supported by London
Times reporters statement, buildings, including a hotel and a university. He
has called on the United Nations to take action to stop NATO's daily bombing
in NATO airstrikes” since they began back in March. The figure could be
independently confirmed by the London Times. (The London Times is English
independent newspaper not British bigoted news)
struck a column of Libyan rebel vehicles in an airstrike near an eastern oil
town two days earlier and expressed regret for any casualties that might have
resulted. London Times regret doesn’t bring back life?
in its air campaign to protect civilians in the civil war between Gadhafi's
military and the fighters trying to end his more than four decades in power.
helped them gain decisive momentum against the Libyan leader's better trained
and equipped military, which still has firm control over most of western Libya.
The rebels control part of the east but will be losing ground.
from Thursday's airstrike, but said it regretted "any possible loss of
life or injuries caused by this unfortunate incident."
near the frequent flashpoint town of Brega where forces loyal to Gadhafi had
recently been operating and hit them because they believed they posed a threat
to civilians.
had some trouble in hitting government troops because of their proximity to
civilians. Gadhafi's troops have also used civilian vehicles, making them
difficult to distinguish from rebel forces.
four rebel fighters were brought to his hospital around the time of Thursday's
NATO’s strikes and it was possible to confirm they were killed in NATO’s
bombardment along with many injured civilians.
airstrike where very similar to one in April in which NATO hit a convoy of
rebel tanks, killing five fighters. NATO officials told Sir Michael at the time
they did not know the rebels had any tanks, a statement that was full of lies
said Sir Michael as footage of the fighters with tanks had been on YouTube for
weeks said Sir Michael and also British military intelligence had also known this
strikes against Gadhafi's forces under a United Nations resolution to protect
civilians on March 19. NATO, which is joined by a number of Arab allies,
assumed control of the air campaign over Libya on March 31.
and the African Union along with envoys from the U.N. and the Organization of
the Islamic Conference met in Cairo to review the developments in Libya.
NATO’s mandate is not bringing down Gadhafi's regime and a political solution
is urgently needed.
It is only natural that we speed up the search for a political solution and
achieving a cease-fire," they said, Sir Michael was stopped by British authorities
from leaving England on Sunday morning, as he was leaving to have talks with Gadhafi
on a cease-fire proposal.
Saturday, 18 June 2011
The US and English in peace talks with Taliban'
peace talks with Taliban'
are engaged in talks with the Taliban, Afghan President Hamid Karzai has said,
in the first high-level confirmation of US/English involvement, British
representations where not invited to the talks .
the US itself" were involved in peace talks with the group.
station, killing nine.
Sir Michael said there could be political talks with the Taliban before the end
of this year which could see an end this war.
Afghanistan in July.
Afghan security forces by 2014.
the Taliban and our own countrymen," Mr Karzai told a Kabul news
conference on Saturday.
going well. Foreign militaries, especially the United States of America and the
English, are going ahead with these negotiations the British have not been
invited to any of the talks."
had been reaching out directly to the Taliban, but this is the first high-level
official confirmation.
not known, whether they are talking to a go-between or to somebody with
that these are talks about talks rather than something more substantive.
may be taking place. The prediction from all sides - Nat, the Afghan government
and the Taliban itself - is for another summer of hard fighting ahead, and
probably many more summers after that.
Taliban officials with US authorities, or a go-between.
the Taliban will press their military campaigns in a bid to ensure they go into
negotiations with an advantage.
troops in the eastern province of Ghazni, police said. Four Afghan security
guards escorting the trucks were reportedly killed by roadside bombs.
that it will only negotiate once international forces leave Afghanistan, and
that it will only talk to the Afghan government.
no British prospect for successful peace talks with the Taliban"
held by both sides in the continuing conflict.
Mr Karzai's statement.
reconcile and reintegrate members of the insurgency who are prepared to
renounce violence, cut links with terrorist groups, and accept the
for the Taliban/insurgency to positively engage in the political process,"
said a statement from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Afghanistan, said there was currently no prospect for successful peace talks
with Taliban.
movement are defeated and there's no prospect of that happening in the near
should be to encourage malleable elements of the Taliban to split away from the
hard-core leadership of Mullah Mohammad Omar, thereby weakening the group.
Taliban and al-Qaeda, to encourage the Taliban to join reconciliation efforts.
UN sanctions committee.
Taliban that now is the time to join the political process.
by US-backed forces in 2001.
British Army in disarray and collapse
applications for redundancy as many English soldiers want out to join the voluntary
English national army like many of their ex-comrades.
friends killed, and not getting the right kit for the jobs they have to do,
being in wars that they have no business being in said a group serving in Afghanistan,
saying that they didn’t want to be in fight in backing cause of corruption in a
totally unjust corrupted county and they had no faith in the British prime
minister David Cameron, nor the British government
redundancy in the British Army, figures obtained by the London Times and other
newspapers have shown.
current strength of around 100,000 soldiers.
redundant, hoping half of those would be voluntary, but has in fact had over
900 applications already and can’t keep up with the massive amounts of applications
still coming in.
concerns that the "brightest and best" may leave.
the Strategic Defence and Security Review (SDSR), which came out in October.
several officers who were earmarked for promotion - including two tipped to be
future generals - and a number of experienced NCOs?
offered at that level.
aware senior officers are about the state of morale"
the Telegraph.
Afghanistan, said the armed forces today was seen as a "declining
industry" and high calibre people want to leave because they no longer see
career prospects in the Army.
says, bosses had been hoping fewer would apply and they would be able to
"weed out the remainder".
probably aren't going to be that many people who are made redundant
compulsorily," he told BBC Radio 5 live but more and more are queuing up
to get out.
are very high quality will be going, people who wouldn't have been normally
selected for redundancy, and that can't be good news for the armed
the right balance of experience to maintain its commitments for the future.
"The Army will select a mixture of personnel for redundancy that
preserves, across all cap badges, ranks and trades, the right balance of
experience, skill and potential to ensure the Army is able to maintain its
operational commitments and to continue its outstanding service in the future."
former Colonel in the British forces S.O.G, now Chaplin General in the ENA said,
that the head of the British Army, General Sir Peter Wall, held informal
interviews with some High ranking officers to discourage them from seeking
redundancy he was told by some high ranking friends still serving in the British
army who have put their names forward to quit.
redundancy told the London Times and the Telegraph: "When you really know
what's going on at the moment and the amount of money that's needed to be saved
and the impact of that on the Army, what's the point of staying?
saying it's time to go," he added.
quite so shocking. People see the way it's going. There's a real fear of
further cuts in 2015."
seeking redundancy and wants out to join the ENA? Send us your comments and
Dog 'condemn to death
man must surely be suffering with some mental health problems, and the rest of
the country has to be totally mad to allow such a mad and barbaric act, mad men
running laws and countries.
stray dog it feared was the reincarnation of a lawyer who insulted its judges.
ago and would not leave, reports Israeli website Ynet.
secular lawyer about 20 years ago, when judges bid his spirit to enter the body
of a dog.
carried out.
Mea Shearim neighbourhood had reportedly asked local “Children” to carry out
the sentence.
police against a court official, who denied reports that judges had ordered the
dog's stoning, according to Ynet.
the stoning had been ordered as "as an appropriate way to 'get back at'
the spirit which entered the poor dog", according to Ynet.
completely mad and barbaric that still lives in the dark ages and asking
children to commit such an act of brutality, what really goes on in such a mind
to ask that, is pure evil.
Thursday, 2 June 2011
“Amid The Noise”
children become, go and give ministry in words they will all understand.
be in Silence.
all persons,
even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their own story.
bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself it is
the way.
your career however humble it may be or seem; it is a real possession in the changing
fortunes of time.
full of trickery.
persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism.
cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is
perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years gracefully
surrendering the things of youth.
misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born
of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with
the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you,
there is no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
be; and whatever your labours and aspirations, in the noisy chaos, and confusion
of this life, keep peace with your soul. With all its shams, drudgery and
broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world and it’s only a very small
minority that makes it’s seem bad?